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A nice big box of your favourite Haribo strawberry sweets containing 120 pieces! These Haribo sweets pack a mouthwatering strawberry taste that makes for the perfect treat to suit any occasion. This fun loving sweet packs a fruity, strawberry punch and was a worldwide sweet favourite in your nearest corner shop at one time or another. Being peckish late at night when your nearest off licence isnt open can be quite fustrating as there are few 24 hour snack delivery services. Yourtwenty4 is a 24 hour off licence delivery service that aims to solve the problem of not being able to get lat night snack delivery near you. Our snacks delivery service can provide you with a range of snacks, including monster munch for late night delivery, so be sure to check our 24 hour snacks menu rather than struggling typing in 24 hour snacks delivery near me.


Haribo giant strawberries are a classic favourite amongst sweet lovers and definitely one of the most popular in the Haribo range of sweets. This box of Haribo sweets is not for the faint hearted, but don't be overwhelmed you can always save the rest of the sweets for the rest of the month haha! 

Haribo Giant Strawberries

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